ANGARAI definitely fosters and embraces both inter & intra organizational virtuous circle collaboration with deep values & integrity towards business problems, issues, goals...


ANGARAI in its vision to build a competitive edge and talent capabilities within its employee pool is committed to build a dynamic and evolving knowledge base. The Knowledge base is intended for learning and growing with peers.

ANGARAI University is based on the following methodology:

  • Discover – Discover where you stand in this competitive market by taking a quick Needs Assessment Test
  • Analyze – Analyze your gaps and strengths. Plot a plan and take the next step in your career and personality ladder
  • Learn – Learn and enhance your knowledge from ANGARAI Knowledge Center
  • Contribute – Contribute back to the Knowledge Center and Share with peers.


The key business and operational areas that ANGARAI focuses on include:

  • 1) Contract and Proposal Management
  • 2) Recruitment
  • 3) Financial Management
  • 4) Human Resource Management
  • 5) IT Management

The core skill set, tools to perform their role, certifications will be widely different across each of these areas….There will be set of soft skills common across each of these areas that helps in enabling each to perform the assigned work more effectively and efficiently.

Thus the Needs Assessment can be either derived from both the areas (business/technical and enabling soft skills)

"Needs Assessment" can be derived by obtaining the details from the individuals and this assessment helps find common training platform for a group of employees.

The Assessment form can encourage each employee across different business function to write down:

  • Important training needs to perform their current role better.
  • Tools that is used in their business function. Rate their knowledge or ease with that tool (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)
  • Certifications in their business function that is industry recognized and state their status against each of those certifications (Planning/Preparing/Certified)
  • One enabling soft skill that they want to focus right on…

Based on the results from the Needs Assessment across all employees, ANGARAI University can be enhanced with the required references, material and support for a collaborative learning!


After the completions of the needs assessment, potential and capacity building analysis for each employee will be determined for phase wise development and career growth.

Learn and Contribute

ANGARAI University is an evolving idea and will be structured to enable collaborative and structured learning. Possible segments of the University are –

  • Knowledge Shelf - Materials in the form of documents, audio/video presentations, books etc.
  • Voice - Session conducted by peers on areas of common interest. Learning experience can be shared over teleconferences/webinars and the recorded sessions can be accessed at later point of time.
  • Expert Help - Find peers in similar function or area and mail your question / area of discussion. Discussion logs are retained for future reference.